
1. I was at first confused by the text, it was difficult to get an understanding of what exactly was going on and what/whom the characters were referring to.  I'm not a fan of reading and having to be given the little "clues" as to what is happening, but in this case, it worked. As I read on and everything was getting revealed to me more I was beginning to understand more and got a little shocked at the story that was being told.  

2.  A connection I made was the concept of consent. I saw it occur as a theme. The main character is raised to be an incubator for the alien creature's offspring, against his own will. He is chosen as a baby and is lead to believe how "special" it is and it basically just being groomed into becoming compliant. In the end, he does make a choice to go through with the procedure, but because of the grooming he went through I don't think he was the one who made the choice. I connect with this because of how it relates to today, young children being groomed into roles they shouldn't have to play.

3. It would be interesting to see this play out as a graphic novel. The text and story are all there and the dialogue could transfer easily. Not many changes would have to happen. The illustrations of the creatures would be amazing to see and from the start get readers interested in reading on into what is happening.  


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