
Showing posts from April, 2019


1. I was at first confused by the text, it was difficult to get an understanding of what exactly was going on and what/whom the characters were referring to.  I'm not a fan of reading and having to be given the little "clues" as to what is happening, but in this case, it worked. As I read on and everything was getting revealed to me more I was beginning to understand more and got a little shocked at the story that was being told.   2.  A connection I made was the concept of consent. I saw it occur as a theme. The main character is raised to be an incubator for the alien creature's offspring, against his own will. He is chosen as a baby and is lead to believe how "special" it is and it basically just being groomed into becoming compliant. In the end, he does make a choice to go through with the procedure, but because of the grooming he went through I don't think he was the one who made the choice. I connect with this because of how it relates to today,...